'Au Coeur du Monde': Homage to Blaise Cendrars - an exhibition in Kolkata: 2011
'Oh! My Calcutta' an exhibition of sketches in Kolkata: 2013
A Transmuted Myth: A solo show in Calcutta : 2000
Les Memoirs: A solo show in France :2004
A solo show of water colors: Amsterdam:2006
Wokshops and Projects :
I co produced paintings and installation with I. Koshmider, a renowned German painter at the Birla Academy of Art & Culture, 1995.
Calcutta—Cityscape Paintings by Max muller Bhavan & Goethe Institute, Calcutta, 1997-2000
Found Object—Metamorphosis: organised by Max Muller Bhavan & Goethe Institute, Calcutta, 1998-1999.
Various seminars on History of Art with lectures and slide presentations
Founder member of ‘Polyphony-Inter Cultural Dialogue’- a society.
Guided and organised students of International school to get awards in ‘Better Calcutta Project’ by Bengal Chamber of Commerce for 3 years.
Atelier de Creation Radiophonique, Paris: I was selected as one of the multimedia artists for the ‘Prenez Le Temp organised by Eric La Casa and Jean Luc Guironnet, France, December.2000(program of the radio, Paris).
An Art Camp at Mussoorie organised by Episteme, 2002
An Art Camp at the Hotel ITC sonar Bangla, organised by The Popular Prakashani, Mumbai---2005.
A regular member of Calcutta painters
A member of Governing body of the Alliance Fracaise du Bengale.